Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Life on the Farm - 832 Words
Time passed quickly as it tends to do. The little Knoll-Mice kept in touch even as their paths took them to different places. It was years later, when the Oliver, Brianna and Timmy gathered at the farm. The time between the end of school and the start of something new was delightful stage in a young mouse’s life. It was Timmy’s last summer before college. For Oliver and Brianna, it was the time between college and a career. When their future was before them and everything seemed possible. Oliver arrived at the Goo-Cheese Farm and looked around. The old peach-basket shed had changed, but in some way, it had also remained the same. There were some of the old tools still hanging in the shed, but the old oak chest where they kept their money, was gone. Brianna used the chest to ship her clothes to college. Oliver could not believe how much could fit in it and the weight. Timmy refused to help carry it to the boat unless he had help from three other mice. Come September, it would be Timmy’s turn to use the chest. This would be his last summer before college. Timmy was changing the batteries in the tractor his mother bought from Mr. Rat to make the farm more efficient. The tractor was old, but nothing was new when came from the Unk Yard. Oliver went over to help Timmy lift a double-A battery onto the charger. â€Å"You won’t have to be doing this after college.†Timmy wiped his brow. â€Å"That’s not going to happen.†Oliver shook his head. â€Å"Still dont like school?†â€Å"That’s right,†saidShow MoreRelatedLife On The Gulledge Farm1834 Words  | 8 Pages Endurance Life on the Gulledge farm was hard- much harder than it had been living with her grandparents’, but there were also so very good times too; Charity was happy. Henry was a loving and gentle husband, but living in such close quarters made it hard for them to explore each others bodies as they wanted to do, and with all the chores that needed doing, come nighttime, they were tired and sleepy. So oftentimes, early in the morning, before Nancy and Eli woke, they would take a blanket and slipRead MoreLife On The Farm : A Sustainable Community1358 Words  | 6 PagesOne key part of life on the Farm is the quest to be a sustainable community. Many of the Agreements touch on this commitment, including â€Å"We believe the Earth is Sacred.†The members of the Farm see themselves as â€Å"stewards†of the land they live on and the Earth as a whole. They have undertaken many projects to make the Farm have as little impact on the Earth as possible. Additionally, there is a commitment to vegetarianism and sustainable food consumption habits. These programs allow them additionalRead More1930s Farm Life1584 Words  | 7 PagesFarm Life in the 1930’s Questions I have always lived on a farm for the majority of my life. Nowadays life now on a farm for me is much more different then how life was back then. The kids back then had it tough too they most likely had to work all day on the fields and your future was already determined once you were born. Just because there was no one else to take over the farm once your dad got too old or incapable to work. So with this said you were going to take up on you fathers tradeRead MoreFactory Farms Is Not An Authentic Life At All1670 Words  | 7 PagesA life lived in confinement could be considered not an authentic life at all. Although being fed and watered may keep someone or something alive, being restricted from fresh air, sunlight, freedom and living in one’s own feces can be detrimental. Poultry, pigs, and cattle all go through one of these things if not all on factory farms. Factory farms, or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations as well as Intensive Livestock Operations, are indust rial farms primarily managed and owned by large corporationsRead MoreA Woman s Life Consisted Of Only Farm And Family878 Words  | 4 PagesIn early America, a woman’s life consisted of only farm and family. â€Å"The women worked inside the house converting raw products into supplies, whereas men did the outside work such as planting and harvesting crops.†() All of a woman’s duties are what we refer to as â€Å"housewife†â€Å"which varied from region to region, but regardless of a â€Å"[couple of differences] the activities were much the [same all around].†() In spite of the majority of women performing their usual house responsibilities, â€Å"[some] wouldRead MoreBenefits Of Alternative Medicine : Ella s Life On A Farm Essay2107 Words  | 9 Pages Introduction Ella is 70 years old and has spent all her life on a farm. Ella has been battling cancer for quite some time. Ella’s upbringing and influences from her husband John facilitated an undesirable connotation in regards to Western Medicine use. Ella’s antiquated ideas of alternative medication and infatuation over the use of natural remedies along with her husband, John motivation for the use of alternative medicine have clouded her decision-making and judgmental choices for her healthRead MorePresident Obamas Child Farm Labor Bill1086 Words  | 4 PagesPresident Obama wanted to pass a bill that would prevent young farm workers from participating in farm-related activities and chores. Billed as an anti-child labor act, the bill was quickly censured. As Leven puts it, the proposal drew heavy criticism from rural-state lawmakers and agricultural leaders, who cast the rule as government overreach that would erode the traditional American family. The traditional American f amily in this case is a rural one, which is an under-represented segment ofRead MoreState Farm s Mission Statement1217 Words  | 5 PagesState Farm was founded in 1922 by a retired farmer and insurance salesman, George Jacob G.J. Mecherle. Mecherle’s original vision, to operate fairly and do the right thing for the customers, still guides the company today. What started as a single line auto insurance company, has now grown to an entity offering nearly 100 products and services to help customers manage today and prepare for tomorrow. Currently, the company handles nearly 35,000 claims per day, which demonstrates its level ofRead MoreThe Increase in the Number of Factory Farms in the United States945 Words  | 4 Pagesindustry in the United States. These large farms, which evidently appear to be more like slaughterhouses than the typical farms a person can imagine are located throughout the United States. These factory farms contain animals ranging from chickens, sheep, goats, cows, turkeys, and pigs, they also contain dairy products. The conditions for the animals and the employees of these factory farms are inhumane and vile. Life behind the walls of the factory farm is both unsanitary for the animals and theRead MoreThe Haymakers1114 Words  | 5 Pagesstate of Minnesota. Weather, sorrow, and physical labor all contribute to the struggle of life on the farm. Each account of life on the farm is blanketed with pride, without ever mentioning the word. Make hay while the sun shines. (pg.9) Dark clouds are always just beyond the horizon. Every family moved to Minnesota with one common goal in mind. This goal was to have a home, a family, and a farm. Life on the farm was not easy; if Andrew Peterson was still living, he would attest to that. Peterson
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Os Gemeos by James Rosenquist - 980 Words
James Rosenquist is an influential American artist during the late 20th century. He is considered today to be one of the most well known visual artists in the world. His career began with painting large billboards and commercial signs. Later, he used the techniques he learned from commercial painting, and his inspiration from popular culture imagery, to create large-scale paintings. Because his pieces include references to mass media and popular culture, and his use of vivid color, he is considered a leading artist of the Pop art movement. In 1978 the Florida Legislature commissioned Rosenquist to create two extensive murals that were to be placed in the new state’s capitol building. When I went to visit the murals in the capitol building, my experience was not what I expected. As my two friends and I approached the Capitol, we ascended the large steps to reach the tall structure. I was not anticipating security once I set foot in the building, but there were two guards standing at the entrance. We were instructed to take off our bags, take out anything in our pockets, and put them through the x-ray conveyor belt, then step through the metal detector. While going through the detector, I noticed a gift shop to my left, and on my right was a front desk with multiple stands filled with pamphlets. As soon as we walked passed the security guards, there was a thin hallway in the middle of the room that appeared to lead to a wider space. I had no previous knowledge of where the
Relationship Between Anxiety And Depression - 2368 Words
Abstract Depression is a serious mental illness that is extreme sadness, sometimes for no reason. While anxiety is a base of worry and anguish that again sometimes happens for no reason. These two illnesses can often occur together and apart. Upon review of temporal research and longitudinal research. The temporal research found anxiety to lead to depression because of anxiety being worrying normally about the future. With a co-occurrence of around 90%. Other research was found a relationship of 40% having both anxiety and depression. The longitudinal study stated that 59% of people have both depression and anxiety. They found consistent results with this and found that over six years, these children with anxiety would develop depressive symptoms. This review was set to determine if the current research found a temporal relationship between anxiety and depression. Based on this research they consistently found anxiety the precursor to the two illnesses. More importantly, it shows the high rat es that the two illnesses occur together regardless of which happened first. Depression and Anxiety Most people have felt sad or depressed. Feeling depressed is a normal reaction to loss, life s struggles. Intense feelings of sadness that last for days to weeks and keep you from being yourself may be more serious than just being sad. It may very well be clinical depression, a treatable medical condition. Depression can occur with anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panicShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Anxiety And Depression1433 Words  | 6 Pagesthe same between the pregnant and postpartum women. Many women met the clinical cutoff for depressive, insomnia, and generalized anxiety symptoms. The measures (ISI=0.87, EPDS=0.85, PSWQ=0.95) all scored above the clinical threshold. All three measures were also correlated in each group and in the total sample. Studies suggested that the relationship between depression symptoms and insomnia symptoms was influenced by generalized anxiety disorder in pregnant women. Symptoms of depression were presentRe ad MoreRelationship Between Depression And Anxiety980 Words  | 4 Pages For the midterm paper I have chosen to discuss the relationship between depression and anxiety in transgender people. For this paper I am using Transgender to mean: â€Å" a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate.†(Gladd.org) The reason I chose this social issue is with modern media with individuals such as Caitlyn Jenner and shows like Orange is the New Black; we are learning more about Transgender. I wanted to learn moreRead MoreWhat Is The Relationship Between The Anxiety And Depression Of The Floor Nurses?797 Words  | 4 Pagest ‑test. Repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparisons by Boneferroni correction will be used to determine the effectiveness of music class on anxiety and depression levels of the floor nurses. Spearman’s correlation coefficient will be used to analyze the relationship between the anxiety and depression of the floor nurses. Statistical software Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) will be used for data analysis. SPSS is a computer application, which supportsRead MoreAn Investigation into the Relationship between Anxiety and Depression among University Students1372 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Merriam Webster online d ictionary anxiety is â€Å"An abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about ones capacity to cope with it†. In addition, depression is defined by the Oxford online dictionary as â€Å"A mental condition characterized by severe feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy, typically accompanied by a lackRead MoreDepression And Anxiety Among College Students Essay1376 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Anxiety and Depression disorders are two of the most common mental disorders in the United States (Falsafi, 2016). It appears that the two disorders are widespread amongst college students and most cannot manage the high demands and stress (Falsafi, 2016). Therefore, they feel more prone to depression and anxiety (Falsafi, 2016). According to the authors Miller Chung, mental health amongst college students in the United States is a growing public health concern and educators areRead MoreThe Link Between Anxiety And Depression1717 Words  | 7 Pagesdisorders, anxiety and depression, obtain more in relation everyday. Although each can have different causes and characteristics they share many common ones. Strong links throughcertain illnesses and disorders like asthma and headaches are being configured through specific chemicals in the brain. Two examples being serotonin receptors and corticotropin releasing factor receptor1. Certain combinations of the two can lead to a change in energy leveles causing both anxiety and depression to occur atRead MoreVariations in the Experience of Depression1302 Words  | 5 PagesGender Differences in Depression This focus elaborates the place of gender in determining depression levels. It states that females experience twice as much depression as men. This is as a result of social forces and cognitive behavioral differences between women and men. The focus notes that women in communities with distinct traditional gender roles tend to have higher stress levels than societies where there are no major divides between gender roles. There are various factors that cause womenRead MoreThe Concept Of Coping : Postpartum Depression And Anxiety Essay1308 Words  | 6 PagesThe concept of coping is a relationship between a person and their environment involving human cognition, individual perception, and behavior (Giddens, 2013). The two exemplars that will be addressed in the following sections are postpartum depression and anxiety. Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression (PPD) can be described as a period of depression that begins following childbirth lasting more than two weeks (Camp, 2013). Up to 15% of women suffer from depression during the first three monthsRead MoreThe Link Between Anxiety And Depression1352 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Topic: â€Å"Anxiety and depression are often linked, experts say, as dealing with long-term anxiety can lead to depression, or one may feel anxious about their battle with depression.†In order to talk about the â€Å"link†between Anxiety and Depression, there is a word that must be discussed: comorbidity. According one paper, â€Å"Comorbidity may imply either the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in an individual at a given time, or the manifestation of multiple disorders during the lifetime ofRead MoreRelationship Between The Child And The Parent1219 Words  | 5 PagesLiterature Review McDonald, Bowker, Rubin, Laursen, and Duchene (2010) stated that according to attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969), the relationship between the child and the parent originates from a behavioral system that is noticeable by the infant’s need for safety, security, and support from their caregiver. Parents function as both a secure place for their child to discover their surrounding world and safe place in which they can return to the comfort and safety when they experience fear or discomfort
Question: Describe about the term for "Obsession" ? Answer: Fade in: Interior house: It is a starry night with a chilly weather. George is relaxing on his couch near the fence with a cigar on his hand. George is a handsome young man in his mid-twenties. He is a loner and prefers to stay inside his one-room flat. Numerous thoughts are accumulated in his mind right now. He gazes at the fence continuously engrossed in thoughts. How could I commit such a heinous crime? He perspired even in the month of January. He could not move his eyes from the body, which is lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Interior House: Stands up: He stands up and touches the lifeless hand of the dead body. It was as white as death. George (Voice Over) I did not intend to kill her. Was I out of my senses? No. I was right. She was a filthy woman, as filthy as dirt. He inscribed three little words on the lifeless hand with his cigar. I love you, he said. Facing the audience, he continues Love is such a wonderful thing. It can make us do anything. All is fair in love and war. Stupid woman, she thought I loved her. Oh yes! I loved her. Once! I loved her once! When she looked into my eyes and begged for mercy, I obliged. She asked me to leave her. I left her dead. It was a cold-blooded murder, as cold as death itself. Alas! She is no more. She has submitted herself to death. I wish she could understand me. But she did not. All women are same. They commit the same mistakes of misunderstanding peoples feelings, failing to reciprocate love. As he spoke his words, tears rolled down his cheeks. He seated himself on the chair and took out one old photograph. The photograph contained a couple, with their child. He touched the face of the woman in photograph. I have your eyes, mother. I terribly miss you. I wish you had not ended the same way as your daughter-in-law. It was your fault. You misunderstood me. George Goes Down The Memory Lane George was three years old when his father left his mother. His mother brought him all by herself. From the very childhood, he was very keen in studies, soft-spoken, never interacted with anyone, always stayed inside his one room flat. He loved his mother dearly. Once his neighbor had insulted his mother in a harsh manner. He threw a large brick at the woman and fled with the pace of an arrow. He was taken to a home by the local court. He was diagnosed with mental illness. He tried to run away from the home, thrice and thrice he failed. The fourth time, he succeeded in fleeing from the home. The home was on fire. He had set the fire. He managed to escape and get to his house. As soon as he knocked at the door, his mother was angry and asked him to surrender to the police force. This could reduce his punishment to some extent. George was unmoved. That night, neither of them spoke to each other. Next morning, the door was found open and inside the house, a body was found open with a slit throat. Comes Back To The Grim Reality George wipes his tears and consoles himself. It is ok, George. It is completely fine. What you did is correct. They deserved to be killed. George Once Again Goes To The Flashback George loved this woman. They had first met at the Broadway theatre. Speaking To Himself There she stands in a yellow dress. She is looking pretty, prettiest of all. I stand gazing at her beautiful face. She is uttering something. Her lips are moving. She comes to him and asks for the last ticket that he owned. The theatre ran the play of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. She was a fan of Shakespeare, she said. She did not miss a single show in her lifetime. But this time, luck was not in her favor. She was too late for the last ticket. Hearing her sad story, George sacrificed his desires for a wonderful, young woman. Present Moment He takes the bloodstained knife in his hand and cleans it with a cloth. He smells the cloth and finds relief in it. He continues Come back, dear. Please come back and say those nice words to me. I want to relive those moments spent with you. Our first date, movies, luncheons, sleepovers, I miss everything. He takes out a ring from his waist pocket and says, See, I had bought this for you, darling. I wanted to take you on a date, movie, and lunch. Alas! If only you were alive. I wanted to confess my love for you. Goes Back To Flashback It was a bright sunny morning. George was sitting in a park, looking dreamily at the birds, contemplating. A voice draws his attention. It was the same girl, whom he had met at the theatre and fell in love with at the very first sight. The woman thanked him. He reciprocated. They became friends, good friends rather. They met every now and then. George was madly in love with her. He wanted to propose to her and ask her hand in marriage. One fine day, he dressed himself up in a nice suit, bought red roses and waited at the park for his ladylove. She did not come. Hours passed by. He was disgusted. He threw the flowers in the backyard. It was nighttime. She finally came but only to break his heart into bits and pieces. She said him about her Afro-American boyfriend whom she loved dearly. She wanted to be engaged with him. But her family was against it. She seeked help from George. He agreed and asked her to meet him the next evening at his place. Present Scenario Interior House Life is so unfair. You were the closest one I had to a family, dear. But you never understood my feelings. Instead of lying in a pool of blood, you would have been in my arms now, sweetheart. I did not want to kill you. I promise. I just wanted to hurt you just the way you had hurt my feelings. You broke my heart into a thousand pieces. But I still love you with all the broken pieces. I want to eternalize our love. I want to join you. No force in the world can separate us from each other. This night shall see the last of me, the last of true love. For one last time, shall I see the blue sky, the uncountable stars and the beauty of this wonderful night? You jump, I jump, remember? He Stands Up He takes the knife in his hands and holds it like a glass of wine and says, To the dearest and best women on Earth, I owe you my life as well as death. I love you both and in a short while, we are going to be united in death. Saying this, he slits his right hand, the hand that had the charges of two gruesome murders. He falls down. He attempts to touch the pale hand of the lifeless body and says, Nothing is going to change my love for you. You ought to know by now how much I love you. One thing you can be sure of that I have never asked for more than your love. He took his last breath.
Colonial Unity, Pre Revolution free essay sample
Most of the first settlers in America came from England and considered themselves to be Englishmen. At first they relied on their mother country for money, supplies and protection. As the colony became larger and more populous, people gradually started feeling as if they were a separate nation. By the eve of the Revolution, the colonists were beginning to think like Americans and be unified towards a common goal. America Just after the French and Indian war greatly lacked unity.Colonists saw hat if they wanted to succeed as a nation they had to come together and become one. Once England began to unfairly tax and restrict the colonies colonists began to show rebellion towards the crown. Americans began to make their own goods to sell within the country. This Just increased the unity in the colonies. Colonists were ready to protect their land from anyone who threatened their freedom. As America grew closer to the Revolution they progressively developed their own identities and culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Colonial Unity, Pre Revolution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Albany Plan of Union, even though was never successful, it still introduced the idea of one unified state. The Albany Plan provided for a federal union of the mainland colonies under the British Crown. This unified government would have the power to make peace or war, and have financial and command responsibility. The plan never went far because most of the individual colonies wanted to keep their independence and were afraid of a strong central government. However it set an example and was a model for the idea of one unified state. British restrictions greatly angered the colonists. The imposed taxes and acts cause much resentment. The people were also very angry that they are being governed by a country so far away but still dont get represented. (Document B) Because of these restrictions and this anger, the colonists became more united. Document A is a piece of propaganda that says if the colonists dont unite then they will be completely controlled by the British and have no more freedom left. Document C is another example of the angry colonists. In the letter it calls the Parliament wicked. He favors complete dependence from Britain. Some colonists did not want independence and would rather be under British rule. They called these loyalists Tories and had the idea that if we ran our own country, there would be much worse things. They thought there would be tyranny and too much power would be given to an authority. Matter Bales said Which is better, to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away. (Document D). People like Bales and other Tories were against unity and thought it would lead to greater problems. The Declaration for the causes of taking up arms was a very important step towards unity and eventually the Revolution. It said that they have the right to defend themselves from there enemies and have an armed force of some kind. However at the same time it says that the army is not for a rebellion at all and the colonies still remain loyal to Britain. (Document E) When the British Port was closed after the Boston Tea Party, many colonies donated goods for the relief of Boston. (Document G). This shows great unity of the colonies and shows how they can support each other.This also helped their sense of American identity because the colonies worked together for the sake of another colony. I think that the colonies sense of unity and identity was great by this time. This is especially true when you compare it to the time right after the French and Indian War when the colonists were proud to be British. We see a lot of this unity comes from the colonies having a common goal. The restrictions placed on the colonists only made this union greater. It was this idea of an identity as an American that led to the thought of rebellion and eventually the American Revolution.
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