Thursday, November 28, 2019
A Characterisc of a Hero essays
A Characterisc of a Hero essays The American Heritage High-school dictionary defines a hero as a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength. Is that what a hero truly is? Does he need only strength and courage? Does a hero not need a mind? Any man can be strong and brave, but dose that mean he is a hero? Nay, a hero must have more. He must be quick-witted and always think with his head and never his fear. A man must be clever (mentally bright, superficially skillful or witty) to be considered a hero. A hero has many characteristics but one of the most important is to be able to think his way out of trouble. Not that a hero shouldnt be physically strong, thats always good, but sometimes you cant fight your way out things without getting yourself killed. Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is a very clever man. He shows that quality time and again in The Odyssey. For example, the Trojan War. The Greeks fought with the Trojans for ten years without success. They had to get over the wall around Troy. No one had any ideas. But then Odysseus and his clever mind thought of a way to trick the Trojans. He ordered the Greeks to build a huge wooden horse in which they could hide. Odysseus figured that when the Trojans wake up to the horse and no Greeks in sight that theyd take the horse as a peace offering and take it inside the city. The Trojans did as Odysseus had guessed and after ten long years the war with Troy was finally over. Another example of Odysseus cleverness is when he met a giant, one-eyed monster named Polyphemus. Odysseus and his men went into this giants cave and stayed to meet him. What they saw when Polyphemus came home was a huge surprise. Polyphemus liked humans, yes he did. He liked them as dinner, lunch, and breakfast. Odysseus was losing his men rapidly while they were trapped in the cave. He had to do something. Suddenly an idea popped ...
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Pronounce the French X
How to Pronounce the French X Generally, the letter x is used in one of two ways in French: by itself or in combination with c (xc). X: Soft Pronunciation The x is pronounced like the x in the English word fix [ks] in two locations: 1) in front of a consonant or 2) at the end of a word or syllable. Listen Examples: the letter xune experience experience, experimentla taxe tax Exception: The x at the end of French numbers such as six and dix is pronounced like an S. X: Hard Pronunciation Between two vowels in two different syllables, the x is pronounced [gz] as in exit. ListenException: The x in xà ©rà ¨s is pronounced [gz]. Examples: le xylophone xylophoneexact exact, correct Liaison or Enchaà ®nement In pronunciations that involve liaison or enchaà ®nement, x is pronounced like a z. XC: Soft Pronunciation In front of a soft vowel xc is pronounced [ks], like the soft x pronunciation in which the c is essentially silent. Listen to excentrà ©. Examples: excellent excellentexcentrà © outlying XC: Hard Pronunciation In front of a hard vowel or a consonant, xc is pronounced [ksk], like the soft x plus a hard c. Essentially, they are pronounced individually according to their traditional rules. Listen to express. Examples: excusez-moi excuse meexclamation exclamationexpress espresso
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What is wrong with the UK economy and how to fix it Essay
What is wrong with the UK economy and how to fix it - Essay Example ub-prime of the European mortgage market collapsed smashing down the previous housing boom in American economy and it brought about a raffle effect around the world especially the countries which had higher degree of economic connection with the American economy. (Shah 2009) According to the World Economic Outlook, published by International Monetary Fund on 8th October 2008, the world economy was approaching towards a severe economic downturn due to the most severe economic shock since the â€Å"Great Depression†of 1929. Fund anticipated a decline in global growth (basis: purchasing power parity) by 3 percent in 2009. (Shah, 2009) In January 2009, the world economists predicted that among the highly developed nations UK would most adversely be affected by this recession. The grim picture represented in the IMF outlook reveals that the economy of England has been contracting by 2.8 percent which is more than twice of the anticipated rate. (â€Å"UK Will be Hardest Hit by Global Recession†, 28th January 2009) The matter of fact is that for the last decade the growth performance of UK has been centred towards three sectors: housing, finance and public sector. All the other sectors have been contracting during those years of economic upswing. The major employment generating sector in Britain is the service sector (81 percent) and the service sector is dominated by the financial sector. The financial sector contributes  £344 billion each year. The unique combination of efficient institution, least government regulation and agile workforce has made the financial sector of Britain a paradise for international finance. During the last decade the financial market was growing by a booming housing market and speculation. After the global credit crunch it comes to broad daylight that neither saving nor increase in earning has been the cause of growing housing market; rather it was financed by debts. Within the period 1997 to 2007 there was a gargantuan rise in personal
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discuss the need (if any) for international environmental restriction Essay
Discuss the need (if any) for international environmental restriction and the constraints that international agreements are subject to. Use the cases of the Mo - Essay Example It can be argued that if environmental concerns are brought out of their current green image and established with economic rules, the will to enforce them and the ability to accept them could be far greater than it is at the present moment. Undoubtedly, human beings have polluted and exploited the planet that we live on and while the effects of the pollution caused by human activity can be disastrous, it might not be recognized as such until it starts to affect the urban centers of the world that we live in (VonAncken, 2006). Of course there have been successful international agreements on what steps must be taken to prevent an all out attack on the environment and measures such as the Montreal Protocol have certainly met with a lot of success (Kruger, 1999). However, a lot remains to be done in a world where countries such as the United States and Australia have not fully agreed to the more advanced Kyoto Protocol. It would be useless to deny the facts as they stand since global warming and environmental degradation is a harsh reality. According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) global temperatures have risen by 0.6 Â ± 0.2 Co in the last century. Most importantly, the cause for this rise is attributed to human activity (IPCC, 2001). However, there are those who contest the reason behind these facts and suggest that the global rise in temperatures is a natural phenomenon. At the same time, there are many who make dire predictions about the coming climatic changes. Global climate change has quickly become one of the most hotly contested issues in terms of science as well as politics. However, it is also becoming a topic for debate in terms of economics and international law where it may take center stage when new agreements are formed between nations as to how they control what they do to hurt or help
Monday, November 18, 2019
Customer Relationship Marketing in Action within the Retail sector Coursework
Customer Relationship Marketing in Action within the Retail sector - Coursework Example Quality of customer service is central to service marketing, which is possible through CRM. Quality of customer service can be enhanced when trust, commitment, communication, empathy and conflict handling are given importance in relationship building. These become important because relationship quality has significant influence on customer loyalty (Prasad & Aryasri, 2008). CRM is also about acquiring the right customer and not all customers. This is justified because 80 percent of sales are derived from 30 percent of the customers (Hawkes, 2003). Apart from identifying high value customers, CRM is also about managing the entire lifestyle of customers (Lambe, 2001). Retailers have to look beyond the transactions of the customer. It is equally important to derive information on how the customer became the customer as well as the interactions surrounding customer’s departure. These would help the retailers to better retain customers. Knowing of their life style implies that CRM s hould be able to anticipate and predict the future needs of the customers Suitability and effectiveness of CRM strategy of Tesco and Sainsbury Tesco’s Club card scheme generated information on pricing, customer services, merchandizing, promotions, media effectiveness, customer acquisitions and communications (Hassan & Parves, 2013). ... Their is also aimed at keeping in touch with their customers. The Nectar card scheme of Sainsbury is aimed at attracting more customers by having increased number of partners (Hassan & Parves, 2013). Sainsbury customers redeem their loyalty points and the retailer experienced the highest number of Nectar card users during Christmas 2011. Such redemption enabled the retailer to understand the potential customer base. Sainsbury also has a strong presence on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Sainsbury gathers information on customer experience which is lacking at Tesco. Both Tesco and Sainsbury have loyalty cards aimed at retaining customers. Boedeker (1997) however, contends that loyalty cards are based on the assumption that special offers and bonus points would be the only reason that customers would not deflect. Economic aspects are only one of the benefits that consumers seek. A study by Turner and Wilson (2006) found that customers at Tesco may be sho pping more because of Tesco Club cards but they do not feel more valued because of these cards. This undermines the very purpose of CRM as no relationship has been built. The success of loyalty cards is not limited to enhanced sales or profits. Their card only promotes incentivized loyalty and no emotional loyalty has taken place as customers are not influenced by brands. Hassan and Parves also found that loyalty card holders at both Tesco and Sainsbury do not limit their shopping only within these two retailers. Possibly this could be because of weak value proposition and flawed design of the loyalty cards (Bayraktar, Yilmaz & Yamak, 2010). Also, the companies may not be able to analyze all of the data generated through
Friday, November 15, 2019
Adrienne Rich and Nancy Sommers | Comparison
Adrienne Rich and Nancy Sommers | Comparison Adrienne Rich and Nancy Sommers are both women writers, that in When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision and Between the Drafts respectively, are struggling to identify themselves as writers through the revision of their own work. In both texts we can follow their travel in past through which they recognize and analyze all those things that influenced them and formed their writing style. They are both facing the same fear. They do not write as themselves. For different reasons and each with her own perspective they are trying to break free from the bond that holds them in another writers shoes. Though Rich and Sommers are both dealing with the research of their writing self and despite the similarities in their arguments and some of their conclusions their approach differs as issues of identity, gender and tradition arise. Adrienne Rich mainly bases her text on the fact that literature and poetry where created by men, whose perspective of woman became a tradition in writing. She defines revision as the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction1. For a writer she claims that this is an act of survival. Literature until recently gave us a view of how life is, how we see ourselves or how we would like others to see us. She recognizes a pattern in the majority of texts and poems. Women are considered a luxury for a man. They are creatures of grace and beauty. Silent, yet powerful a woman is a dream and a terror2 for men, in the words of Jane Harrison. Always distant and with almost never emotional outbreaks the historically image of a woman is that of a muse, model, nurse, cook, comforter, a bearer of his seeds3. Her inevitable fate is to suffer for love. The writer sees herself as a captive of that image. For a very long time she has been writing for women, as a man would. At first, in order to please and seek acceptance from her father, to whom she owed her education, then her professor, her mentor, followed by her fellow writers and the writing community, also male dominated. Similar to Adrienne Rich, Nacny Sommers also finds herself to write in a stereotype way. However she claims her influences came from the way she was brought up and more specifically from her parents. She does not put so much weight on her gender as a writer but she rather identifies the problem as not being able to combine academic and personal writing. Like there is an authority dictating the limits of personal and academic writing which she must not cross. This sense of authority is also something she inherited from her parents. Nancy Sommers came from German Jew Family that escaped Nazi Germany in 1939, moved to the United States where the children were brought up. She mentions examples of her family life, as evidence of parental authority. Her parents, even though they were speaking German fluently, bought tapes that instructed the language to their children, instead of talking to them. A specific ritual was followed for every lesson. The chairs at the same place, strict body posture and the voice of a German professor would for Nancy Sommes parents guarantee the right way to learn. Following the same principle of the right way to do anything her parents used a guide for their travelling, following strictly the instructions given, spending no more or no less time at each venue, making no additional stops. As if they did not have a voice of their own, as if they could not choose for themselves what to do or not to do, or even how to do it. Her parents gave her the world of two options: the right way or the wrong way. So, both our writers are influenced from authority. Rich, on the one hand, from the authority of men writers in a man dominated society, and on the other hand Sommers influenced from parental authority. When Sommer as a parent herself subconsciously embraced that same principle and projected it to her own child, she found out that, contrarily to her, her daughter had a voice of her own. Nancy Sommer had disguised herself and hid behind the title Researcher, reading and revising, exploring the knowledge of other writers. But she kept herself out of her own writing, being absent from her own work. Just like her parents hid behind the tapes and the guides and excluded themselves from their lives, creating and living someone elses experiences, she hid behind the authority of a researcher and used other peoples work to justify her statements. Never once did she use her personal experiences to support her statements. Another similarity between Rich and Sommers lies within their position on the role of the writer in respect to tradition. Rich is facing artistic tradition, of the way writers write about women, their image and how she as writer is able to cop with all her roles: that of a traditional female and of a writer. As a wife and a mother Rich found it hard to find free time, to think, to question, to imagine; free time that traditionally women never have as they are mainly loaded with the duties of raising children and caring for the family. But following the traditional way of performing female duties is in direct conflict with the main element of writing: imagination. Daily duties, put aside any imaginative activity, that can be put in words. Adrienne Rich felt the conflict between these two roles. She thought herself as a writer or as a mother. The choice of either and or was later replace by and. She sought ways to embrace both parts of her life, the creative one and the maternal one. Likewise Sommers faces again tradition, yet of another kind. Academic tradition is full with either/or sentences: the students are either taught to write academic or personal essays. This tradition seems to create a certainty, an illusion of control to the academic community. Everyone knows their exact role and what they are supposed to do. But Nancy Sommers identifies the fact that students carry their own experiences, their own voices and if encouraged they could use these experiences as evidence to support their own statements, thus creating a new reflective way of writing. In both texts, tradition is questioned, whether artistic or academic as a result of a revision, a deeper look in ones writing, from a different perspective, with a fresh eye. Both writers emphasize the importance of breaking the tradition, that narrows the imagination and this might be their most important common statement. Even though they are both objecting to different kind of tradition they both have the same objective, to help writers, including them, to write for themselves, to use their own experiences and voice, to write from their point of view, breaking every stereotype of either artistic or academic writing. Rich and Sommers mention incidents of their personal and family lives. It is interesting how these specific events reflect the obedience of authority they inherited from their close environment. They follow traditional models, artistic and academic, that forces boundaries to their imagination and self expression. Rich show us how the traditional female model kept her captive in just one role, that of a mother and eliminated her fantasy, thus her writing. Sommers from the other side illustrates how her parentss sense of authority influenced her own perception of authority, this time the academic one, upon her writing. Even though both writers are of female gender their arguments and conclusions also apply to non female writers. They are both looking for way to express purely themselves in their own writing, creating their own images, with no influence of tradition artistic or academic. Using a female point of view, they have managed to reach a problematic area for all writers. Both male and female writers should be able to speak for themselves and use their imagination, freely creating texts and statements which are supported with their own experiences. As mentioned before, both writers notice that there is something missing from their writing. And that something is their own voice, their own point of view. Trapped in the tradition they learned to obey they do not use their own experiences and images in their work. Their similarity lies upon the fact that they were both raised under the influence of tradition. Even though they have a different point of view when revising their work, they come to the same conclusion mainly because the source of their conservatism is the same: obedience to authority. According to Rich, the role of a writer is to create images through words. These images influence other writers and especially women, as they seek their path reading poetry and literature, trying to find ways of expression, looking for examples. And in this effort they come across again and again with the image of Woman in books written by men. But what they do not find is a way to express their own personality in their text, rather than reflect and reproduce a flattering or not image created by another writer. I find it easy to agree with Richs statement. I have often read literature and identified myself with the woman hero of the book. I found my self to be flattered with similarities of character. Of course, in every attempt to write about my self, or to tell a story, I tend to reflect the same image of the woman I read about in my own writing. It is not that I have nothing to say for myself, rather than I find that image charming and want others to see me in this way. Still like Sommers, I am absent from most of my texts. Certainly influenced by my female gender, I tend to have a more romantic and soft approach in my writing. My class and culture are also reflected in my texts as a have no experience from anything different and thus I can not write about it. However the presence of my own experiences is limited in my writing. Mainly because I think of myself as insecure and that I do not have a strong enough statement to make. Another reason is that I find it easier, and I believe I am not the only one to do so, to talk about others than talk about myself. Talking about oneself requires painful digging to reach to self awareness. Of course the fear of revealing personal experiences to others plays its part as well, as again I do not intend to mess my traditional female image, with outbursts of anger, anxiety, passion, and obsession. Adrienne Rich: When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision, p.18 J.G. Steward, Jane Ellen Harrison: A Portrait from Letters (London 1959), p. 140 Adrienne Rich: When We Dead Awaken: Writing as Re-Vision, p.19
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility :: Business Economics
Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility Introduction The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility is an extension to the law of diminishing marginal utility. The principle of equi-marginal utility explains the behavior of a consumer in distributing his limited income among various goods and services. This law states that how a consumer allocates his money income between various goods so as to obtain maximum satisfaction. Assumptions The principle of equi-marginal utility is based on the following assumptions: (a) The wants of a consumer remain unchanged. (b) He has a fixed income. (c) The prices of all goods are given and known to a consumer. (d) He is one of the many buyers in the sense that he is powerless to alter the market price. (e) He can spend his income in small amounts. (f) He acts rationally in the sense that he want maximum satisfaction (g) Utility is measured cardinally. This means that utility, or use of a good, can be expressed in terms of "units" or "utils". This utility is not only comparable but also quantifiable. Principle Suppose there are two goods 'x' and 'y' on which the consumer has to spend his given income. The consumer’s behavior is based on two factors: (a) Marginal Utilities of goods 'x' and 'y' (b) The prices of goods 'x' and 'y' The consumer is in equilibrium position when marginal utility of money expenditure on each good is the same. The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility states that the consumer will distribute his money income in such a way that the utility derived from the last rupee spent on each good is equal. The consumer will spend his money income in such a way that marginal utility of each good is proportional to its rupee. The consumer is in equilibrium in respect of the purchases of goods 'x' and 'y' when: MUx = MUy Where MU is Marginal Utility and P equals Price Px Py If MUx / Px and MUy / Py are not equal and MUx / Px is greater than MUy / Py, then the consumer will substitute good 'x' for good 'y'. As a result the marginal utility of good 'x' will fall. The consumer will continue substituting good 'x' for good 'y' till MUx/Px = MUy/Py where the consumer will be in equilibrium. Thus this is also known as the law of substitution. Table Let us illustrate the law of Equi-Marginal Utility with the help of a table: The side table shows marginal utilities of goods 'x' and 'y'.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Harnessing the Science of Persuasion
Persuasion works by appealing predictably to deeply rooted human needs. The rest of us can learn to secure consensus, cut deals, and win concessionsâ€â€by artfully applying six scientific principles of winning friends and influencing people. Cialdini draws on decades of research in experimental, especially social psychology to distill â€Å"six fundamental principles of persuasion†. Some of these principles will seem simple and completely obvious at first sight, but looking deeper into them reveals how well they work and why, making the reader more likely to apply already-implicit knowledge.The first principle is that people are more likely to follow or agree with someone who they like because of some similarity with that person, or due to praise received. Second, people are more willing to cooperate with those who like them. This can be difficult to put into practice, but most of us have plenty of room to find more things we genuinely like about those we interact with. Th ird, experiments have confirmed our intuitive views that people tend to treat each other the same way they are treated. Therefore, doing someone a favor before seeking one can be both ethical and effective.Fourth, people are more likely to keep promises they make voluntarily and explicitly. So, get commitments in writing (and preferably publicly). Fifth, people do defer to experts, but do not assume that your expertise is fully known or appreciated. Finally, people want more of something that they believe is scarce, so exclusive information is more persuasive (and valuable) than widely available information. These principles are clearly illustrated by studies and cases, providing the reader with effective tools for strengthening leadership with better persuasion skills.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Concept of the Jesus Resurrection in Christianity
Concept of the Jesus Resurrection in Christianity Religion and human beliefs are closely interconnected as depending on the country people live in and the culture they follow, people have particular vision of the past, present and future. Christianity is the religion which has many trends and direction. There are a lot of different confessions and beliefs within this system that it is difficult to distinguish those for a simple person.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Concept of the Jesus Resurrection in Christianity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the changes and the variations of the Christianity are rather new tendencies. Looking at the earliest Christians, it is possible to say that their beliefs were common. Thus, dwelling upon the vision of the Jesus’ resurrection and their view of the apocalyptic world, it is possible to say that Jesus’ divine, immortality and other specific characteristics connected with the resurrection may be believ ed as the central reasons for people to believe in the apocalypses. The earliest Christians’ understanding of Jesus’ resurrection is based on the belief that by this action God has selected Jesus as the most deserving person on the world to become God, his followers. Additionally, many people consider Jesus’ resurrection as the hint for the whole mankind on what is going wait for those who follows the rules and principles of God. Thus, Jesus’ resurrection is the reasons why people are sure that the life on the Earth has the end. It is possible to predict that those who are going to live the fair lives and follow the rules and principle taught by Jesus, they would have an opportunity to come through the way of Jesus’ resurrection (Ehrman 58). The earliest Christians were sure that the death is like a sleep which is going to last for some time until the world is cleaning and only those who managed to lead a life according to the Jesus’ teachin g may deserve the resurrection. It means that the early Christians believed that in the apocalyptic nature of the world as to resurrect people are to die, and the whole world is to disappear for a moment to start a new free from sins existence. Nowadays, the main idea of the Christianity is the resurrection which is possible only if people lead the fair lives and in accordance with the God’s principles. Therefore, it may be even said that the Jesus’ resurrection is one of the reasons why people believe in the apocalyptic nature of the world. Jesus was the person who took all the sins of the humankind with the purposes to redeem them and help people start a new life free from cruelty, deception, and violation. However, looking at the world where too much despair and suffering, Early Christians believed that the judgment day would come and only those who fairly believed in God and followed his principles would be saved. Therefore, the resurrection should come after apoca lypses which is the judgment day when each one will have to answer for all the actions done on the Earth.Advertising Looking for report on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, it may be concluded that the Jesus’ resurrection has become one of the main reasons for the whole mankind to wait for the judgment day and resurrection of those who deserve it. Moreover, many early Christians are sure that God made it possible for all to see Jesus’ resurrection with the purpose to notify them that Jesus was going to be his followers and point at the future of those who are going to lead the lived free from sins. Ehrman, Bart D. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on The Starry Messenger
I cannot recall its origin but there is an old adage that says one’s way of thinking and speculating depends on his/her perspective. There is no need argue about its validity for I am sure everyone would agree from their own experience. With the adage said above, I would like to propose a theory that there was a great gap between Galileo’s way of thinking and those of others (like the priests at Vatican and people who worshiped the Aristotelian philosophies) for the difference in their perspective was far greater than anyone can imagine. It is no exaggeration to state that no one has spent as much time looking up the night sky as Galileo in his time. Everyone who has looked up the constellation in the night sky without an aid of any instrument would see that the full moon appears perfectly round. And given that those people have not been taught about the modern astronomy, it would be difficult to convince them that it is otherwise. One can only wonder how difficul t it mu! st have been for Galileo and his colleagues to convince their opposers. As obviously as it may sound, Galileo’s sole purpose of using detailed illustrations and diagrams within his Starry Messenger was to convince its readers; and an attempt to prevent any possible refutations as much as possible. The illustrations and diagrams were his hard-earned evidence that is also backed up by his countless observations and written documents. In â€Å"The Scientific Revolution,†Shapin discusses about â€Å"the natural machine,†and quotes several mathematicians and scientists. For the sake of an impending argument, the French mathematician and philosopher Renà © Descartes announced that â€Å"there is no difference between the machines built by artisans and the diverse bodies that nature alone composes.†(Shapin 32) When I reached the last page of the Starry Messenger and felt relieved, I came across a sentence that struck me. â€Å"It is known that the interpos... Free Essays on The Starry Messenger Free Essays on The Starry Messenger I cannot recall its origin but there is an old adage that says one’s way of thinking and speculating depends on his/her perspective. There is no need argue about its validity for I am sure everyone would agree from their own experience. With the adage said above, I would like to propose a theory that there was a great gap between Galileo’s way of thinking and those of others (like the priests at Vatican and people who worshiped the Aristotelian philosophies) for the difference in their perspective was far greater than anyone can imagine. It is no exaggeration to state that no one has spent as much time looking up the night sky as Galileo in his time. Everyone who has looked up the constellation in the night sky without an aid of any instrument would see that the full moon appears perfectly round. And given that those people have not been taught about the modern astronomy, it would be difficult to convince them that it is otherwise. One can only wonder how difficul t it mu! st have been for Galileo and his colleagues to convince their opposers. As obviously as it may sound, Galileo’s sole purpose of using detailed illustrations and diagrams within his Starry Messenger was to convince its readers; and an attempt to prevent any possible refutations as much as possible. The illustrations and diagrams were his hard-earned evidence that is also backed up by his countless observations and written documents. In â€Å"The Scientific Revolution,†Shapin discusses about â€Å"the natural machine,†and quotes several mathematicians and scientists. For the sake of an impending argument, the French mathematician and philosopher Renà © Descartes announced that â€Å"there is no difference between the machines built by artisans and the diverse bodies that nature alone composes.†(Shapin 32) When I reached the last page of the Starry Messenger and felt relieved, I came across a sentence that struck me. â€Å"It is known that the interpos...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Service Contracts and Production Essay
Advantages and Disadvantages of Service Contracts and Production Sharing Contracts - Essay Example In many countries where oil and gas are being produced, made abrupt and unilateral changes in the already executed agreements. This unilateral change at the end of oil and gas producing countries hit hard the investors. This would definitely shake the confidence of the investors who invested a lot of money in oil and gas projects. The governments of Venezuela and Bolivia have gone to the extent of breaking the contracts or termination of licenses at their own sweet will. This move can be branded as â€Å"resource nationalization†. To lessen the negative impact on the profitability of the investing companies, the sovereign governments of Canada, UK and the USA have proposed compensation in terms of further extension of their contracts on soft terms to address this issue1. To safeguard the interest of the investor companies came from abroad, the effective legislation is necessary to mitigate the risks associated with it. However, the legislation in this respect varies from count ry to country. This does not only effectively take care of the interest of the host countries but the interest of the investors those who are in the run. ... On the other hand, the state in return will receive royalty payments, income tax and other liveable taxes on the oil and gas producing companies. Contrary to that as per PSC the government will be the owner of all oils and gas productions, and the IOC will act as technical and financial services provider to take care of oil exploration and the development of oil wells / gas fields. Alternatively production will be shared between IOCs and the State in line with the provisions of PSC3. In the developing dominions, PSC system is an effective tool to access oil and gas exploration as well as development of oil wells. As per Johnston view, this access dependable on the political system of that country. As far as functional and financial considerations, the PSC system is more or less at par with concessionary system. The only difference between the two is the management control and its effective implementation4. Upstream Oil & Gas Agreements Overview Upstream agreements in fact create and establish legal business entity and working relationship between the sovereign government and the individual who owns land of exploration for oil and gas. The agreement is a legal document where rights and obligations of the stakeholders are clearly defined, leaving no ambiguity5. In the developed countries like USA, Canada and the UK where two forms of agreements are in existence. One is for the execution of individual land owner for exploration of oil and gas, the other one between the host government and the investor. The agreement executed between the host country and the investment company is called â€Å"Concession Agreement and the Production Sharing Contract†6. In other words the
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Question - Essay Example Naturalistic observation does not require active involvement with the environment from which the data is being collected from; the latter does. The second choice is the period of observation. The observation can be carried out once or repeated for a number of times. The third choice pertains to data recording method. The data can be recorded or notes short notes taken as the data is gathered. Observation can also be done and the data computed after the observation process. The fourth choice relates to the scope of observation. The observation can be done on a single environment that best treats the variables of the data being gathered, or a number of environments can be integrated into the observation process. Another choice is made on the variables to be observed at a go. Observation can be done at once for all the variables constituted in the data gathering procedure, or observation data for each variable be considered one at a time. The scale contains numerical values, but the importance of the scale is to gather data that is of importance over and above the numerical values. Descriptions of what the numbers mean are valuable to the respondent because it allows the respondent to express his or her true opinion in regard to the issue in question. Different respondents have different experiences and may not rate their experiences the same way. Outlining the meaning of the numbers identifies the respondent to each category of numbers given the response required. Purpose of the interview- The goal and objective of undertaking an interview determines the scope of the interview. All encompassed variables of the interview should be considered before the interview questions are developed. Phrasing questions- Questions should be direct to the main idea of the interview. Proper language should be used in regard to the identified participants. Simple questions are favorable, and each question should be asked
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